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What Do Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender Do?
Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender Example Set up, operate, or tend more than one type of cutting or forming machine tool or robot.
List of Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender Job Duties
- Measure and mark reference points and cutting lines on workpieces, using traced templates, compasses, and rules.
- Observe machine operation to detect workpiece defects or machine malfunctions, adjusting machines as necessary.
- Make minor electrical and mechanical repairs and adjustments to machines and notify supervisors when major service is required.
- Select, install, and adjust alignment of drills, cutters, dies, guides, and holding devices, using templates, measuring instruments, and hand tools.
- Move controls or mount gears, cams, or templates in machines to set feed rates and cutting speeds, depths, and angles.
- Instruct other workers in machine set-up and operation.
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What Skills Do You Need to Work as a Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender?
Below is a list of the skills most Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders say are important on the job.
Operation Monitoring: Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.
Quality Control Analysis: Conducting tests and inspections of products, services, or processes to evaluate quality or performance.
Operation and Control: Controlling operations of equipment or systems.
Troubleshooting: Determining causes of operating errors and deciding what to do about it.
Critical Thinking: Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
Monitoring: Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.
Related Job Titles for this Occupation:
- CNC Machinist (Computer Numerically Controlled Machinist)
- Multi-operation Forming Machine Setter
- Set-Up Person
- Ballistics Laboratory Gunsmith
- Machine Try-Out Setter
What Kind of Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender Job Opportunities Are There?
In 2016, there was an estimated number of 117,800 jobs in the United States for Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender. There is little to no growth in job opportunities for Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender. Due to new job openings and attrition, there will be an average of 12,000 job openings in this field each year.

The states with the most job growth for Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender are Utah, North Dakota, and Nevada. Watch out if you plan on working in Maine, Virginia, or Oklahoma. These states have the worst job growth for this type of profession.
Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender Average Salary
The average yearly salary of a Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender ranges between $23,440 and $55,680.

Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders who work in Kansas, South Carolina, or Rhode Island, make the highest salaries.
How much do Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders make in each U.S. state?
State | Annual Mean Salary |
Alabama | $34,040 |
Arizona | $36,190 |
Arkansas | $32,530 |
California | $37,350 |
Colorado | $41,240 |
Connecticut | $39,600 |
Florida | $35,180 |
Georgia | $35,280 |
Illinois | $36,940 |
Indiana | $45,510 |
Iowa | $37,130 |
Kansas | $53,050 |
Kentucky | $44,090 |
Louisiana | $35,560 |
Maine | $39,840 |
Maryland | $42,490 |
Massachusetts | $37,430 |
Michigan | $40,070 |
Minnesota | $39,400 |
Mississippi | $35,730 |
Missouri | $34,620 |
Nebraska | $35,070 |
Nevada | $34,380 |
New Hampshire | $36,260 |
New Jersey | $36,180 |
New Mexico | $28,920 |
New York | $37,450 |
North Carolina | $34,450 |
North Dakota | $38,740 |
Ohio | $38,110 |
Oklahoma | $34,850 |
Oregon | $32,210 |
Pennsylvania | $38,210 |
Rhode Island | $44,800 |
South Carolina | $49,070 |
South Dakota | $40,660 |
Tennessee | $32,600 |
Texas | $33,720 |
Utah | $38,420 |
Virginia | $33,000 |
Washington | $38,160 |
Wisconsin | $37,000 |
Tools & Technologies Used by Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders
Below is a list of the types of tools and technologies that Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setters, Operators, and Tenders may use on a daily basis:
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Office
- Microsoft Outlook
- Data entry software
- Email software
- Word processing software
- Microsoft Windows
- Autodesk AutoCAD
- Spreadsheet software
- Enterprise resource planning ERP software
- SAP software
How do I Become a Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender?
What education is needed to be a Metal and Plastic Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender?

What work experience do I need to become a Multiple Machine Tool Setter, Operator, or Tender?

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Image Credit: US Air Force photo/Airman 1st Class John Linzmeier via Public domain
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