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Food Batchmaker

What You Need to Know About Food Batchmaker

Occupation Description Set up and operate equipment that mixes or blends ingredients used in the manufacturing of food products. Includes candy makers and cheese makers.

List of Food Batchmaker Job Duties

  • Record production and test data for each food product batch, such as the ingredients used, temperature, test results, and time cycle.
  • Mix or blend ingredients, according to recipes, using a paddle or an agitator, or by controlling vats that heat and mix ingredients.
  • Manipulate products, by hand or using machines, to separate, spread, knead, spin, cast, cut, pull, or roll products.
  • Set up, operate, and tend equipment that cooks, mixes, blends, or processes ingredients in the manufacturing of food products, according to formulas or recipes.
  • Test food product samples for moisture content, acidity level, specific gravity, or butter-fat content, and continue processing until desired levels are reached.
  • Select and measure or weigh ingredients, using English or metric measures and balance scales.

What Every Food Batchmaker Should Know

These are the skills Food Batchmakers say are the most useful in their careers:

Monitoring: Monitoring/Assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

Operation and Control: Controlling operations of equipment or systems.

Operation Monitoring: Watching gauges, dials, or other indicators to make sure a machine is working properly.

Reading Comprehension: Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.

Critical Thinking: Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

Speaking: Talking to others to convey information effectively.

  • Soup Mixer
  • Marshmallow Maker
  • Batter Mixer
  • Flour Blender
  • Cheesemaker

Job Demand for Food Batchmakers

There were about 153,700 jobs for Food Batchmaker in 2016 (in the United States). New jobs are being produced at a rate of 1.8% which is below the national average. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 2,700 new jobs for Food Batchmaker by 2026. The BLS estimates 21,700 yearly job openings in this field.


The states with the most job growth for Food Batchmaker are Nevada, Idaho, and Utah. Watch out if you plan on working in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or Vermont. These states have the worst job growth for this type of profession.

Average Food Batchmakers Salary

The average yearly salary of a Food Batchmaker ranges between $21,050 and $47,940.


Food Batchmakers who work in Iowa, Wisconsin, or Minnesota, make the highest salaries.

How much do Food Batchmakers make in each U.S. state?

State Annual Mean Salary
Alabama $29,170
Alaska $33,680
Arizona $27,830
Arkansas $27,960
California $31,090
Colorado $30,430
Connecticut $30,700
District of Columbia $31,960
Florida $26,500
Georgia $32,340
Hawaii $28,680
Idaho $31,250
Illinois $34,590
Indiana $31,200
Iowa $37,880
Kansas $30,310
Kentucky $32,080
Louisiana $25,710
Maine $30,940
Maryland $33,650
Massachusetts $32,900
Michigan $33,500
Minnesota $35,340
Mississippi $25,320
Missouri $34,680
Montana $30,770
Nebraska $32,710
Nevada $25,500
New Hampshire $31,890
New Jersey $34,780
New Mexico $27,720
New York $30,000
North Carolina $27,140
North Dakota $26,870
Ohio $33,210
Oklahoma $29,140
Oregon $29,550
Pennsylvania $33,900
Rhode Island $32,340
South Carolina $27,340
South Dakota $29,560
Tennessee $34,660
Texas $29,010
Utah $33,100
Virginia $34,290
Washington $33,550
West Virginia $24,360
Wisconsin $34,890
Wyoming $29,930

What Tools & Technology do Food Batchmakers Use?

Although they’re not necessarily needed for all jobs, the following technologies are used by many Food Batchmakers:

  • Microsoft Office
  • Data entry software

How to Become a Food Batchmaker

What kind of Food Batchmaker requirements are there?


What work experience do I need to become a Food Batchmaker?


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