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Mechanic & Repair Technologies Schools in Florida
6,429 Mechanic & Repair Technologies students earned their degrees in the state in 2021-2022.
As a degree choice, Mechanic & Repair Technologies is the 3rd most popular major in the state.
Education Levels of Mechanic & Repair Technologies Majors in Florida
Mechanic & Repair Technologies majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years | 4,133 |
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years | 4,133 |
Award Taking Less Than 1 Year | 1,373 |
Associate Degree | 790 |
Bachelor’s Degree | 103 |
Gender Distribution
In Florida, a mechanic & repair technologies major is more popular with men than with women.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of mechanic & repair technologies majors in Florida is as follows:
- Asian: 1.4%
- Black or African American: 14.5%
- Hispanic or Latino: 33.4%
- White: 35.5%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.6%
- Other Races: 14.5%

Jobs for Mechanic & Repair Technologies Grads in Florida
242,310 people in the state and 3,905,560 in the nation are employed in jobs related to mechanic & repair technologies.

Wages for Mechanic & Repair Technologies Jobs in Florida
A typical salary for a mechanic & repair technologies grad in the state is $42,630, compared to a typical salary of $46,460 nationwide.

Most Popular Mechanic & Repair Technologies Programs in FL
There are 10 colleges in Florida that offer mechanic & repair technologies degrees. Learn about the most popular 10 below:
Graduates earn an average $40,867 after graduation. The student to faculty ratio is 50 to 1. Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $23,904.
Graduates earn an average $49,363 after graduation. 83% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. The student loan default rate of 1.90% is a good sign that graduates can afford their loan payments.
100% of students get financical aid. Graduates earn an average $23,656 after graduation. This private school has an average net price of $15,954.
Graduates earn an average $65,864 after graduation. 37% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. It takes the average student 4.65 years to graduate.
Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $19,626. Grads earn an average early-career salary of $27,353 after earning their degree at this institution. The full-time teacher rate is 100%.
Graduates earn an average $51,210 after graduation. The student to faculty ratio is 17 to 1. 86% of students get financical aid.
The 2.20% student loan default rate is lower than average. 82% of students get financical aid. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 30 to 1.
Roughly six years after entering college, graduates of this school earn $29,839 a year. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 13 to 1. A typical student attending Atlantic Technical College will pay a net price of $11,309.
100% of students get financical aid. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 2.40%. 16 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.
Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $34,010. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 4.20%. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 18 to 1.
Mechanic & Repair Technologies Careers in FL
Some of the careers mechanic & repair technologies majors go into include:
Related Majors in Florida
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to mechanic & repair technologies.
Major | Annual Graduates in FL |
Personal & Culinary Services | 12,205 |
Transportation & Materials Moving | 4,439 |
Precision Production | 2,099 |
Construction Trades | 1,637 |
View all majors related to Mechanic & Repair Technologies
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- College Factual
- National Center for Education Statistics
- O*NET Online
- Image Credit: By Alfred Palmer under License
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