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Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Schools in Mississippi
3 students earned Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician degrees in Mississippi in the 2021-2022 year.
As a degree choice, Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician is the 77th most popular major in the state.
Education Levels of Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Majors in Mississippi
Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Associate Degree | 3 |
Gender Distribution
In Mississippi, a opticianry/ophthalmic dispensing optician major is more popular with women than with men.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of opticianry/ophthalmic dispensing optician majors in Mississippi is as follows:
- Asian: 0.0%
- Black or African American: 100.0%
- Hispanic or Latino: 0.0%
- White: 0.0%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
- Other Races: 0.0%

Jobs for Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Grads in Mississippi
There are 430 people in the state and 72,250 people in the nation working in opticianry/ophthalmic dispensing optician jobs.

Wages for Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Jobs in Mississippi
A typical salary for a opticianry/ophthalmic dispensing optician grad in the state is $31,990, compared to a typical salary of $39,930 nationwide.

Most Popular Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Programs in MS
There is one school in the state that offers this degree.
Grads earn an average early-career salary of $26,537 after earning their degree at this institution. Of all the students who attend this school, 90% get financial aid. The student to faculty ratio is 19 to 1.
Opticianry/Ophthalmic Dispensing Optician Careers in MS
Some of the careers opticianry/ophthalmic dispensing optician majors go into include:
Job Title | MS Job Growth | MS Median Salary |
Dispensing Opticians | 6% | $29,870 |
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