var TradeCollegeFinder = (function () { const dpForms = document.querySelectorAll("#leadFormConnecOfferstInline"); if (dpForms[0].attachEvent) { dpForms[0].attachEvent("submit", dpSubmit); } else { dpForms[0].addEventListener("submit", dpSubmit); } const dpCip2Divs = document.querySelectorAll("#cip2div"); const dpCip6Divs = document.querySelectorAll("#cip6div"); function validateProgramInfo() { var data = ConvertFormToJSON( document.getElementById("leadFormConnecOfferstInline") ); console.log("validate basic info form data = " + JSON.stringify(data)); // Form Validation //if (data.cip0 == "" || data.cip2 == "") { if (data.cip0 == "") { //alert("Please select a study area and major."); alert("Please select at least a study area."); return; } return true; } function submitProgramInfo(e) { e.preventDefault(); is_valid = validateProgramInfo(); if (is_valid) { dpSubmit(e); } } function dpSubmit(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); var data = ConvertFormToJSON( document.getElementById("leadFormConnecOfferstInline") ); console.log("dpSubmit form data = " + JSON.stringify(data)); var major_slug = data.cip0; if (data.cip2 != "" && typeof data.cip2 !== "undefined") { major_slug += "/" + data.cip2; } if (data.cip6 != "" && typeof data.cip6 !== "undefined") { major_slug += "/" + data.cip6; } console.log("offers_lookup major_slug = " + major_slug); var backBtn = document.getElementById("nothanks"); backBtn.setAttribute( "href", "" + major_slug + "/rankings/best-schools/" ); dpOffersFetch(major_slug); return false; } function dpOffersFetch(majorSlug) { var url = "/majors/" + majorSlug + "/offers.json"; // var url = '/' + majorSlug + '/offers.json'; clearResults(); var loadingStateElement = document.getElementById("loadingState"); = "block"; fetch(url) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((data) => { buildResultsOrRedirect(data, majorSlug); }) .catch((error) => { = "display: none !important;"; console.log("ERROR FETCHING major offers"); console.log("json fetch for URL: " + url + "Error: ", error); }); } function clearResults() { // Clear existing results var resultsContainer = document.getElementById("searchResults"); var esResults = document.getElementsByClassName("esy_widget_container")[0]; esResults.innerHTML = ""; resultsContainer.innerHTML = ""; } function buildResultsOrRedirect(offers, majorSlug) { var template = ""; var formData = ConvertFormToJSON( document.getElementById("leadFormConnecOfferstInline") ); console.log("json_data for: " + majorSlug); console.log(offers); if (!offers || offers.length === 0) { // No offers found, redirect to rankings page template = "rankings/best-schools/"; location.href = "" + majorSlug + "/" + template; } else { // Offers found, build results page buildResults(offers, formData, majorSlug); } } function buildResults(offers, formData, majorSlug) { var esyohOffers = getRelevantEsyohOffers(offers, formData); if (esyohOffers.length > 0) { var esyohListingCategoryIds = => { var credentialSourceMeta = JSON.parse( htmlUnescape(offer.credential_source_meta) ); return credentialSourceMeta.esyoh_id; }); // buildEsyohWidget(esyohListingCategoryIds); buildAndRedirectUrl(formData, majorSlug); } else { // No ESYOH offers found, build generic results tryBuildSnhuOffers(offers, formData, majorSlug); } } function tryBuildSnhuOffers(offersData, formData, majorSlug) { // else use direct offers (ie. SNHU) var directOffers = offersData.offers.filter( (offer) => offer.credential_source !== "esyoh" ); var title = "Featured Programs"; var intro = "Schools that offer programs in your area of interest"; var widgetId = "featured_programs"; var maxDisplay = 5; var resultsContainer = document.getElementById("searchResults"); var container = document.createElement("div"); if (directOffers.length > 0) { container.setAttribute("name", widgetId); container.classList.add("featured-schools"); container.innerHTML = `
`; if (title.length > 0 || intro.length > 0) { if (title.length > 0) { container.innerHTML += `


`; } if (intro.length > 0) { container.innerHTML += `


`; } container.innerHTML += `
`; } else { container.innerHTML += `
`; } directOffers.slice(0, maxDisplay).forEach((offer) => { var pageUrlNoPrefix = "" + majorSlug; var pageUrlNoDomain = majorSlug; var leadUrl = offer.lead_url .replace( "[page_url_no_prefix]", encodeURIComponent(pageUrlNoPrefix).replace("/", "%2f") ) .replace( "[page_url_no_domain]", encodeURIComponent(pageUrlNoDomain).replace("/", "%2f") ) .replace("collegefactual-linkout", "tradecollege-linkout"); console.log("leadUrl = " + leadUrl); container.innerHTML += ` `; }); hideLoadingState(); container.innerHTML += `
`; resultsContainer.appendChild(container); } else { setTimeout(() => { hideLoadingState(); container.innerHTML += `

Found Best Schools rankings in your area of interest

`; container.innerHTML += `

Taking you there automatically

`; container.innerHTML += `
`; resultsContainer.appendChild(container); }, 1500); setTimeout(() => { radirectToRankings(majorSlug); }, 3500); } } function hideLoadingState() { var loadingStateElement = document.getElementById("loadingState"); = "display: none !important;"; } function radirectToRankings(majorSlug) { document.location.href = "" + majorSlug + "/rankings/best-schools/"; } function getRelevantEsyohOffers(offersData, formData) { // Narrow List to Current Degree Level If Available console.log("formData = " + JSON.stringify(formData)); var mostRelevantOnly = formData.mostRelevantOnly; var minRelevance = 0.8; var maxRelevance = 1.0; var returnOffers = []; var relevantOffers = []; var featuredOffers = offersData.offers.filter( (offer) => offer.credential_source === "esyoh" ); if (featuredOffers.length === 0) { return relevantOffers; } if (formData.level) { featuredOffers = featuredOffers.filter( (offer) => offer.education_level_type_slug === formData.level ); } // Get Sorted List of Featured Offers that Meet Relevance Requirements featuredOffers = featuredOffers .sort((a, b) => b.lead_cpl - a.lead_cpl) .sort((a, b) => b.relevance - a.relevance) .slice(0); featuredOffers.forEach((offer) => { if (offer.relevance >= minRelevance && offer.relevance <= maxRelevance) { console.log("offer relevance = ", offer.relevance); relevantOffers.push(offer); } }); // TODO: Consider doing deeper display if only a single program // If relevant ESYOH offers use those if (relevantOffers.length > 0) { if (mostRelevantOnly) { // return only 1 top offer, whatever is most relevant returnOffers = featuredOffers .filter((offer) => offer.relevance >= 0.5) .sort((a, b) => b.relevance - a.relevance) .slice(0, 1); } else { // If opted to NOT just show most relevant, show all relevant // For now only filtering to those with exact 1.0 match returnOffers = relevantOffers.filter((offer) => offer.relevance >= 0.9); } } return returnOffers; } function buildAndRedirectUrl(formData, majorSlug) { // Get the current base URL including protocol and host const baseUrl = window.location.origin; // Construct the path with selected slugs let path = "majors" + "/" + majorSlug; path += "/offers.html"; // Append query parameter for the level of education if (formData.level) { path += "?level=" + encodeURIComponent(formData.level); } const fullUrl = baseUrl + "/" + path; // Redirect the browser to the constructed URL window.location.href = fullUrl; } function buildEsyohWidget(categoryIds) { console.log("categoryIds = " + categoryIds); setTimeout(() => { var loadingStateElement = document.getElementById("loadingState"); = "display: none !important;"; ESY.Widget({ category_id: `'${categoryIds.join(",")}'`, new_window: "", results: "3", title: "", domain_id: "", type: "listings", widget_layout: "vertical", intro: "", placement: "", }); }, 1000); } function populateDropdown(selector, options, currentValue) { const select = document.getElementById(selector); const existingOptions = select.children; if (existingOptions.length > 1) { for (var i = existingOptions.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { select.removeChild(existingOptions[i]); } } select.disabled = options.length === 0; options.forEach((option) => { if (option.slug !== "None") { // Exclude options with 'None' as slug const opt = document.createElement("option"); opt.value = option.slug; opt.text =; if (option.slug === currentValue) { opt.selected = true; } select.appendChild(opt); } }); } // Function to handle changes in cip0 and cip2 dropdowns function handleDropdownChange() { const cip0Select = document.getElementById("cip0"); const cip2Select = document.getElementById("cip2"); const cip6Select = document.getElementById("cip6"); const focusDiv = document.getElementById("focus"); const findRankingsBtn = document.getElementById("findRankingsBtn"); // Assume button has this ID // Initially disable the button findRankingsBtn.disabled = true; cip0Select.addEventListener("change", function () { updateCip2Dropdown(this.value); populateDropdown("cip6", [], null); // Reset cip6 when cip2 changes findRankingsBtn.disabled = !this.value || this.value === ""; findRankingsBtn.disabled = true; // Keep button disabled until cip2 is selected }); cip2Select.addEventListener("change", function () { const cip2Entry = trade_colleges_majors_list[cip0Select.value].cip4s.find( (cip4) => cip4.cip4_slug === this.value ); if (cip2Entry && cip2Entry.cip6s) { var cip6Options = => { return { name: cip6.cip6_name, slug: cip6.cip6_slug }; }); populateDropdown("cip6", cip6Options, null); // = "block"; } else { populateDropdown("cip6", [], null); // Reset cip6 if no cip4 is found } findRankingsBtn.disabled = !this.value || this.value === ""; }); cip6Select.addEventListener("change", function () { // findRankingsBtn.disabled = !this.value || this.value === ""; }); } // Function to update cip2 based on cip0 selection function updateCip2Dropdown(selectedCip0) { if (selectedCip0) { const cip2Options = trade_colleges_majors_list[selectedCip0].cip4s .map((cip4) => { return { name: cip4.cip4_name, slug: cip4.cip4_slug }; }) .sort((a, b) =>; populateDropdown("cip2", cip2Options, null); } else { populateDropdown("cip2", [], null); // Reset cip2 if no cip0 is found } } // Utility function to unescape HTML entities function htmlUnescape(str) { var temp = document.createElement("div"); temp.innerHTML = str; var result = temp.childNodes[0] ? temp.childNodes[0].nodeValue : ""; temp.remove(); return result; } function populateInitialValues() { // Code to handle URL parameters and prefill values document.getElementById("landing_url").value = window.location.href; var return_url = GetParameterValues("return_url"); if (return_url != "" && return_url != undefined && return_url != null) { var backBtn = document.getElementById("nothanks"); backBtn.setAttribute( "href", decodeURIComponent(GetParameterValues("return_url")) || "" ); backBtn.addEventListener("click", nextPage); document.getElementById("referring_url").value = return_url; } else { document.getElementById("referring_url").value = document.referrer; } } function initializeDropdowns() { var currentCip2 = null; var cip2Options = Object.keys(trade_colleges_majors_list) .map((key) => { return { name: trade_colleges_majors_list[key].cip2_name, slug: key }; }) .sort((a, b) =>; populateDropdown("cip0", cip2Options, currentCip2); if (currentCip2) updateCip2Dropdown(currentCip2); } function nextPage(e) { e.preventDefault(); window.location.href = document.getElementById("nothanks").href; return true; } // Publicly exposed functions return { initialize: function () { populateInitialValues(); initializeDropdowns(); handleDropdownChange(); }, submitProgramInfo: submitProgramInfo, }; })(); window.onload = TradeCollegeFinder.initialize;